Monday, March 10, 2014

Absolute Insanity & 50 in 50

So I promised during the last post to let you all in on why I've lost my mind. I'm extremely Type A, and pride myself in excellent time management. With that being said, the past couple months (okay last year) have just been absolutely insane. Everytime I feel like I have a break coming up, it doesn't happen and things snowball easily when you are a working from home mama of two with your house on the market...oy. So, I've been a bit scatter-brained recently. Forgetting things, losing things that aren't mine (don't get me started), in general over-extending myself completely. So instead of completely shutting down and burying my head in the sand - which sounds so enticing, especially if that means I get to go to the beach - I decided to throw something else huge in for good measure...why not?

After running for Ordinary Hero's Run 4 One team in Nashville 2012, Charlotte 2012 & Nashville 2013, I wasn't sure I was up for another Nashville race. Last year it poured for the entire 2 hours and frankly, I was tired. Training was rough. My head just wasn't in it. I do love to fundraise for OH though and had raised almost $1,500 just by how could I say no? I decided to up the ante a little. Instead of setting my fundraising goal at $500, I wanted to try to get 50 $15/month supporters for one year (or $180 one time donations). This raises $9,000 for Ordinary Hero AND gives me the opportunity to go back to Ethiopia!! I absolutely see that as a win-win and I cannot wait to go back!! 

This was Nashville Country Music Half Marathon 2012 (my first) 2:06

I had made sure to smile and proudly show my bib number at every photographer I saw. These two are from the last mile of the race...when I was dying. Don't let the smile fool you.

Charlotte Thunder Road Marathon - November 2012 - PR 1:54

I was THRILLED to PR this race, but it was hilly and I was HURTING!! Once again, don't let the smile fool you.

Definitely don't let the smile fool you with this one either. Country Music Half Marathon 2013 - 1:57 I was soaking wet and freezing...

Why up the ante for my fundraising goal and just stay at the same ol' half marathon anyway? That's when I decided to train for the full 26.2 miles. Yes, I have officially lost my mind. For whatever reason, my brain figured it would be more motivating to train for something I have never done before, than to do something I know I can do. That doesn't make sense. I know. I'm still trying to figure it out. 

So mid-December I start Hal Higdon's full marathon training program. I had used his training program for all of my halves, but I modified it. Let's be real, I don't like running back-to-back days. That takes the fun out of it entirely (fun?). Anyway, I get going and on one random Sunday morning I fall into the Runners World trap. I call these traps because every single email they send is the BEST program, the BEST diet, the BEST shoes...and I fell for this one. It was the Hanson's Marathon Method. I downloaded the book figuring even if I don't do it, I will learn something from it. The book went into all the scientific reasons why their method works better than traditional programs. Very little of this I actually understood, but they did the research, who am I to argue? Basically you run your arse off 6 days a week and train your muscles to run tired. The longest run your have is 16 miles because when you do run those 16s you are so tired from the week leading up to that, it strengthens your legs. Their whole goal is to train you for the last 16 miles of the marathon not the first. I decided to go for it...I've already lost my mind, what can it hurt? Coming from the girl who hates running more than 3 days per week...

This was my training schedule...

No biggie...

So...if you want to help my efforts not be in vain, please consider donating toward my 50 in 50 campaign!! Go to Colleen's 50 by April 23rd to donate!

So far I have raised $2,890!! THANK YOU to all who have donated to far! Keep it coming!!

I hope to update everyone on my training. Truthfully, I'm stupid tired. If you see me and I look like I'm about to fall on my face, chances are I am. ;)

Coming up: Slow-cooker freezer dinner review

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